Friday, September 04, 2009

Dragon Con Day 1

Quick Stop Entertainment's KenP.D.Snydecast featuring Widgett  "And I'm not making this up" Walls, Dana "Eye of the Tiger" Snyder, Ken "I'm not hiding behind a laptop" Plume, Aaron (I can't swim even though I live on a damn island) Fever.'s Make The Bad Men Stop Panel feat:
Widgett Walls, J.M. Tuffley, ScottC., Unidentified Madman, Service,  and RoxofSpazhouse
The Supernatural panel feat:
U.M., Iruka Yuywell, and MightyBill a.k.a Satan.
  Hi Folks. Just checking in after a long day at Dragon Con. Needless to say I have lead eye right now but it was all well worth it. I fear for my life over the next two days of attending panel's and helping host panels. Thank God I have a light schedule compared to the  NeedCoffee guys: Widgett, Ken Plum, and Rob Levy; these guys are troopers. Me, I'm taking my ass to bed now in preperation for a full 24hr day tomorrow.

Send Help.
Send Redbull.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

DragonCon - Panel Schedule

Currently I'm gearing up for DragonCon this weekend. To say the least I'm excited. It's a nerd version of christmas but with guest stars and stuff to buy and hot women in corsettes and comicbooks and costumes and did I mention hot women in corsettes?

Anyhow, two of my favorite track directors, Leigh Bennett-Connor (X-Track) and Caro "MadDog" McCulley (British SciFi Media), asked me to help round out the roster on a few panels.
Why? We still don't have an answer. I'm no expert but I can make it sound good in front of people. If you can't blind'em with brilliance then baffle'm with bullshit is what I always say ( Ok I don't always say that. I say "I'm hungry" alot though). So with all of that out of the way here's the schedule of things I'm not an expert or an authority on:

  • Supernatural - Friday 10pm
  • Supernatural - Religion and Spirituality (Hint: The devil didnt make you do shit you didn't want to do!) - Saturday 4pm
  • BritPop (musing over music) - Sunday 4pm
  • Fringe Fan Panel - Sunday 5:30pm

I'm back!


I'm back to blogging. I know you're thinking, "Greaaat. Somebody else who thinks he's important enough to post his ramblings on the web". Yeah that about sums it up. I realize I haven't been using the tools I've been given and the time out I took was indeed necessary. But hey, I'm not that important to anyone but myself. I figure this life is my personal choose your own fate book and I might as well share it.